Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Year 2005

What to say? It was a year that gave me some of the most wonderful memories I will cherish forever.

Work. Let me not get into that or else my mood will be ruined. This is the end of this wonderful year and I wanna escape from the monotone and ENJOYYYYYYYYYYyyyy

What to say? Now that I look at it

Travel. I am a travel freak and am crazy about exploring new places. In 2005 I saw one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. So different and hence so beautiful.

Mysore: One lovely, calm, quiet place. It took me a while to adjust to the saturdays half days and sundays off attitude of shopkeepers (including Chemists). But then I felt the presence of green trees, colourful flowers, fresh air, simple people (not all of them ;-) but many) .

Coorg: Wo man, I have no words to explain the beauty of it. Its like a younger cousin of Mysore. Water, water everywhere and I just fell in love with that place.

Belur and Halebeedu: Saw stunning temples, awesome carvings and craftsmenship. Each statue was carved out keeping in mind microscopic details and had a different story to tell. The first time I realized what it is to love one's work and to spend one's entire life in creating a piece of art and striving for excellence. And that huge statue at the end of a seemingly never ending array of stairs silently says "Every lonliness is a Pinnacle".

Friends. Friends, ppl that I had missed most during my college days. I thank God for giving me so many lovely friends this year.
Neha: There were times when I din't like some of her ways and ideas and would nurse bouts of anger for her but then things changed and I realized that basically she was a sweet girl with a pure heart. Now I know the reason for those ways and ideas of hers, so I understand. And I love her a lot.
Rashi: One lovely girl who cares about each and every friend more than she cares about herself. I love this lady as well and revere her selfless friendship.Amit: I kind of rediscovered him. A person good at heart.
Sandeep: Was this the same Sandeep from the college? He certainly dint seem like. Had such rocking time with him (i.e. on msn :-))
Smita, Preety, Mohit, Robin, Siva, Shobana, Amit, Anshu, Sahil. All wonderful ppl who made lovely contributions to my life.
And my dear
Ruchi: My Best friend ever, always has been and always will be. Whenever pissed off, I have called her up and she waves her magic wand and gives me some nice scoldings and brings me back on track. I love her. I seriously LOVE her.

Collegues. It is so important that you have good people working around you or else life becomes pretty messy. Chetan and Khushal, two people I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart. Always insipring and always helping. Swathi, Bhagya and Sandeep, it was so gud to have them.

Parties:-). People thought I was a calm, quiet, shy girl who liked solace. Well, they were wrong :-). This year everytime was Party Time. This was a year of Bowling, Go Carting, Discs, Five Star Restaurants, CCDs, Pizza Huts and Ebony and also of Green Leaf and Rasoi :-).
That hitch of what will people think was gone. Cause I was amongst people who neither knew me nor my family. So why Bother? Enjoyyyyyyy:-)

Workouts. Aerobics, swimming, gym, jogging. I did it all. But still my weight is 2 kgs more than what it was last year. Thats ok.

Work. I found something nice to say about it :-). Well each one of my seniors and collegues had one common thing to ay about me, that I was passionate about my work. Its true and I am glad it shows. In fact I am so much passionate that I fought with my GPM over not having good work to do. GOD. Well thats me. I have excelled in the art of controlled display of emotions but I guess I still need to work on it.

Family. Missed them, missed them, missed them and fell in love with them all over again :-) esp. Rishu, Shivam, Nannu and Dadaji.

What else?

Some other things. But these are the things of 2005 that I will remember throughout my life. Had a great time. Waiting for the next year. I hope that the next year be even more wonderful and may it bring tonns of happiness in all our lives. God Bless Us All...